Meaning of PsyTara...
Tara: is the feminine aspect of the Bodhisattva (“buddha-to-be”). She is the all-compassionate, powerful deity; the Protector and the Navigator. She gently ushers us through our travels, both earthly and spiritual. This is the symbol of the globe of PsyTara.
Tara is sometimes known as Shakti, the Great Mother Goddess of Hindu traditions: in this form she is the ultimate primordial creative instinct of the universe.
Tara traditionally holds a blue lotus. Species: Nymphaea nouchali var. caerulea, and known in English as Blue lotus, Egyptian lotus, lotus of the Nile, etc. The blue lotus is a psychoactive plant used in many ceremonial traditions from India to Egypt, (maybe beyond) for thousands of years. The psycho-activity of the blue lotus is not as commonly-recognised as some other plants, but it is no mistake that Tara, the Protector and Navigator between Worlds holds the blue lotus in one hand. This is the symbol of the blue lotus of PsyTara.
we offer...
Consulting, advice and speaker sessions relating to culturally-attuned Psychedelics Harm Reduction and Peer Support Services for organisations and institutions, clinical trial protocol designers etc.
Private sessions
Private support services for group ceremonies and individuals
volunteer management
Organisation of Psychedelics Peer Support Services and Harm Reduction for events and festivals